Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Send a Print Copy of The Novel Study To My Home/Street Address?

Please keep in mind that if you purchase a novel study from our website you will only receive a digital file. However, we do have the option to buy print novel studies, so feel free to email us so we can discuss your order. All you have to do is give us the name of the novel study, and how many copies you would like to purchase, and we'll put together an invoice for your order. Please check out our pricing guide to learn more about the cost of our print novel studies. Please keep in mind that these prices are for purchasing multiple copies of a single novel study. If you wish to purchase print versions of more than one novel study (such as one Robinson Crusoe and one Treasure Island) the price is fixed at $14 for each novel study (plus shipping).

I Purchased a Novel Study From Your Website and Didn't Receive a Link To My File.

Please note that any purchases made using a school email address may result in your link being blocked by your school's spam filter. To avoid this problem we recommend using a personal email address to complete your purchase. If you have any problems downloading your file, feel free to contact us at and we would be happy to send you a new copy of your file. If you ever delete or misplace your file in the future, you can use the same link to download your item up to five times.

Do You Have a Multi-license Option Available For Purchasing Your Novel Studies?

Yes! Email us so we can arrange a multi-license price for 50% off any additional novel study that you purchase in our digital section (offer only applies when you purchase multiple copies of the same novel study). We also offer similar discounts on our print novel studies whenever you purchase multiple copies of a single novel study.

How Do I Know That Your Website Is Secure To Purchase Digital Goods?

Our website has been certified with an SSL Certificate by our website provider. This means that all purchases made on this website are safe and secure. We also use trusted third party payment processors Stripe and PayPal to complete each purchase on our website. You can learn more information on SSL Certification by clicking on the following article.

Do Your Novel Studies Meet The Educational Requirements For My Country?

Our products meet the educational requirements taught throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingom and many other English speaking countries.

Can I Help You Build Your Website, Or Buy Advertising Space?

While we do appreciate the offers for help with our website, we are not looking to hire anyone to do any marketing, website design, graphics design, app design, or sell any advertising space in the near future. Any emails relating to these questions will be recognized as spam, and will not generally receive a response.

Can I Share Your Products With My Fellow Teachers/Educators?

Our novel studies are intended for a single classroom setting only, but we always appreciate word of mouth advertising! However, we ask that you do not post any of our products on the Internet, or any site that can be accessed by the public. However, feel free to continue using our products with every new school year.

Do You Have A Shopping Cart Option Available For Purchasing Multiple Products?

Unfortunately we don't have a shopping cart feature on our website at this time, be we do plan on adding one in the near future. However, we do have a bulk purchase option available to our customers in both formats. All you need to do is send us an email ( with a list of the novel studies you would like to purchase and we'll send you an invoice with the total amount. Once your payment has been received, we'll send you an email with the novel studies included.

What's Your Return Policy For Your Novel Studies (Print and Digital)?

Unfortunately we do not offer a return policy on any of the products sold on this website. This is largely due to the fact that we sell instant digital goods, as well as custom printed goods. However, if you have a problem with your order, please contact us at and we'll do our best to resolve any issues you may have.

Will You Be Doing a Novel Study For 'Insert Book Title Here'?

We love to hear suggestions for which novel studies we should be providing to our customers in the future, so any suggestions you give us will be taken into consideration. We are especially grateful to any teachers and educators who informs us of any new novel that his or her school district will be adopting in the coming year.

I Found an Error In One Of Your Novel Studies!

If you happen to find an error in one of our novel studies, we'd be happy to send you a new copy with the necessary corrections.

One of The Links on Your Website is Broken!

Any help you can give us by pointing out errors or broken links on our website would be greatly appreciated.

Are Your Novel Studies Written For a Religious Audience or a Secular Audience?

While Reed Novel Studies is proud to operate on Christian principles, all of our novel studies are actually written for a secular market. However, several of our novel studies contain questions relating to religion due to their faith based plot-lines ('Robinson Crusoe', 'The Swiss Family Robinson', 'Jacob Have I Loved', 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe', etc).